Friday, January 20, 2006

Is Squid Eating Erotic?

A rather heated discussion has arisen here on the erotic nature of eating squid.
I have investigated this further & I conducted a comprehensive study. The study set out to determine the erotic nature and measured taste, where it is eaten & how it makes you feel after & if there are any aphrodisiac effects after consumption.

The following results were found:
Squid eating is erotic under the following circumstances:
- It is cooked to tender perfection by grilling or frying & served with lemon. Best examples can be found at the Balkan Restaurant on Oxford St, Pizza Mario at Republic 2 or at Souen on E13th St, New York (& a notable mention for what use to be served at Fix).
- Aphrodisiac effects were heightened when a maximum number of tentacles were consumed
- Can also be erotic when a really hot guy is feeding it to you while you are hanging from your toes upside down (even more effective when squid is replaced with grapes)

Squid eating is not erotic under the following circumstances:
- It is under cooked or over cooked, slimy or the guts haven't been taken out
- When marinated in something that is not yummy
- When there is an unattractive person close by while you are eating the squid
- People who have a name that contains any of the following letters: Y, U & C will never find squid erotic


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you choke if you are eating squid (or grapes) upside down? The peeler has been known to choke on squid when upright (from stuffing too much in their mouth at once) and grapes are so round and small they could easily block an air pipe.

Anonymous said...

yes, choking to death on squid (or grapes) is definitely not erotic.

The Peeler said...

If you are eating a round piece of squid/calamari you will not choke as there is a circle in the middle to breath through.

Otherwise I guess one should be careful otherwise you may end up having a Michael Hutchence kind of death.

Anonymous said...

Who is Michael Hutchence?

The Peeler said...

Ever heard of INXS??????

Anonymous said...

you are right about the round pieces of squid having breathing holes, but tentacles have no such ventilation and so must be approached with caution.

Anonymous said...

Squid is definitely erotic. Giant squid eat each other as an erotic thing. Check it out on Google... search for squid erotic

Anonymous said...

It gives be a big dick for some reason!!Anyone else notice that?Try it and see.Dont know what it is about the humble squid but it works for me.I dont find eating it erotic mind!