Saturday, February 18, 2006

Black Plastic Bag

Even since New Year's Eve a black plastic bag has been hanging on a branch of a tree just outside my window. It has survived multiple rain storms, a big blizzard and strong winds. I've been waiting for this bag to disappear, but it doesn't seem like it's going to.
Word of this magical plastic bag has made it's way over to the mid-west where plastic bag activist Mary has created a shrine to this black plastic bag & wishes you all to do the same.


Anonymous said...

how do you know its an innocent plastic bag? - it could be a surveillance camera set up by the Bush government to keep track of the civillian movements of NYC. or even a bag of stolen coins from a shipwreck carefully placed in that tree as part of a treasure-exchange program within pirate circles. i think there is more than meets the eye here and further investigations are required. PJ, you need to get up a ladder and retrieve that bag.this curiosity needs to be solved and its up to YOU!

Anonymous said...

Oooooh yes... I like your thinking Luz.

You never can know what these bags are up to.

Agent IMBPWAM - I hope you are on the case.

Anonymous said...

Agent IMBPWAM - we here at headquarters await your report and findings on the rogue plastic bag.

Anonymous said...

Roger! I'm on the case. All other missions will be aborted until further notice, so we can get to the bottom of this.

Anonymous said...

The bag got hungry and ate a squiril in the snow

Anonymous said...

i think you should capture the bag and sell it on ebay.

Anonymous said...

Is the bag still there?

The Peeler said...

The bag is still there. I believe Agent IMBPWAM will post an update soon....