Sunday, February 12, 2006

Etsy Beta

This is an awesome online store/community for all things crafty.
I stumbled across this website yesterday when doing a google seach for a sailor's anchor (sailors are the next big thing! you heard it hear first) & found a really nice one that I have ordered. I also found some pins made with old soda pop lid images - I got them too. The other cool thing the same seller has is pins with NY subway numbers/letters on them - I'm contemplating getting one for the 6 train. They look like m&m's, it's a shame m&m's aren't produced with numbers & letters on them, that would make them so much yummier.

The other & maybe the most important aspect of this website is that it is a perfect illustration of The Long Tail - the model that is redefining the ecomony of the retail world.


Anonymous said...

M&M's do have letters on them - "M&M". That is what differentiates them from Smarties (which are much better than M&M's). Do they have smarties in America?

The Peeler said...

but they don't have the whole alphabet or any numbers. they just have 'm' or 'w' if they are upside down. Think how educational & yummy they would be if they produced them with the whole alphabet.

I'm not sure if there are Smarties in USA... I will investigate. they are much tastier that m&m's.