Monday, October 31, 2005


I have no idea why - but Halloween is a major holiday here. I don't mind so much as people keep on giving me chocolate.
On the weekend I went to Ricky's as I needed to sort out an outfit for a Halloween party on saturday night. At Ricky's they had some really gross & expensive outfits - they are all made of synthetic plastic type stuff, cost at least $65, and they come in 1 size (maybe this weird plastic material is made at NASA and stretches into any shape & size). One of the most stupid costumes they had there was a tara reid 'wardrobe malfunction' outfit. I ended up doing the best I could with clothes I already had.
This evening I saw a creepy witch riding a bicycle down Park Ave & it freaked me out a little as it was very 'Wizard of Oz' -which for me is the scariest film ever made & I still have nightmare about it.
Halloween last year was far more tame when CCLOMO & I held a party at Fix, where we insisted nobody was allowed to wear anything scary or morbid. The grim reaper even came to our kick-arse party:


Anonymous said...

Those photos must have been taken with a lomo????

Anonymous said...

You are a very pretty Moon Goddess!